The 26th China International Fisheries Expo will be held from October 25-27, 2023!Location: Qingdao Hongdao International Convention and Exhibition Center In the past six years, the scale of China International Fisheries Expo has doubled, becoming the largest aquatic trade exhibition in the world. I
2024年9月25-27日,秘鲁利马国际食品展会(EXPOALIMENTARIA)在秘鲁利马会议中心Jockey Plaza如期召开,是拉美地区最重要的行业性展会之一,吸引全球的食品企业参与,展会已成为出口企业关注的焦点,吸引了来自世界各地的买家。本届展会将有超过43500名专业人士访问食品生产制造商、进口商、出口商和供应商,同时600多名参展商将展示并使用他们具有创新技术的商品。 奥威旗下烟台广威食品冷链技术有限公司受邀参加了本场展会,广威食品冷链是一家具有多年经验的食品加工及冷链技术设计、供应、安装一体化供应商,旨在为客户提供全方位的可靠服务。 展会现场人气火爆,咨询不断
On november 18, 2017, the “Egyptian National Aquatic Industrial Park” planned, designed, constructed, trained and guided by EVERGREEN company and AOWID refrigeration company was officially opened. AOWID undertakes the design and installation of the entire project aquatic product processing plant.The